Horse Extremities (Colloquially)

June 13, 2021

By Mushō-genshin & rkxg

Do you know how the metacarpals, metacarpophalangeal joint, and the phalanges, of a horse are called informally?

It’s good to familiarise “one-artist-self” (is that a word?) with these informal terms which each refers to a section on a horse’s farthest “links” of its appendages. There are many more but let’s start with these first 5 sections!

t003-colloquial-horse-phalanges CANNON BONE FETLOCK JOINT PASTERN BONES COFFIN BONE t003-colloquial-horse-phalanges

The same terms apply for the metatarsals, metatarsophalangeal joint, and the phalanges, of the hind leg.

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